This time, I wanted to try my skills on a funny "Cartoon Comic Strip", to make you all laugh! :D Inspired by many "Table Talks" and funny comics like this, I wanted to create my very own serial... in my case, it's called "Thinking and Drinking"! It's about Reptile and his well-known friends - but everyone appears as a CARTOON CHARACTER! ;) The point was, to create a "funny-and-easy-to-draw-cartoon-version" of my heroes. Well... I guess, I found a sollution this day! And I guess, the point of THIS episode is very clear, hehehehehe... **By the way** You are ALL FREE to -add stories with YOUR characters to my "Thinking and Drinking" cartoon serial and to -color this or my following (in the future) comic strips! *Have fun and beware of my EVIL PEN!!!!* "Thinking and Drinking" is (c) to :devreptilecynrik: Drawing Material: Pencil and Ink Working time: 2 hours